Are you are tired of using old-fashioned methods to live with your nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism? Read on to find out about the benefits of laser eye surgery and why this procedure could be right for you.
Yes, it’s time to throw away those glasses and move away from the dread of lost contact lenses. We have the technology, people!
Best of all? Most people who undergo the procedure happily emerge with 20/20 vision.
1. It Keeps Getting Better
A recent study reveals several, undeniable benefits of laser surgery.
The study compared satisfaction ratings of 1800 individuals. Subjects who underwent laser eye surgery reported increased satisfaction after 1, 2, and 3 years. We don’t blame them! Laser eye surgery makes life infinitely easier.
On the other hand, those who had opted for eyeglasses and contact lenses became more and more dissatisfied with their choice.
2. Improved Night Vision
Another one of the benefits of laser eye surgery revealed by the study was improved night vision.
Night vision was improved immediately in over 40% of the respondents. A further 20% reported that their ability to see at night increased after 3 years.
After LASIK surgery, only 1 in 3 patients reported having to wear glasses for night driving.
3. Better Long-Term Eye Health
During the study, respondents were asked to report any incidences of eye infections, abrasions, and corneal ulcers.
Once again, the control group who had opted for laser surgery claimed to have experienced half as many complaints as those who had continued to use contact lenses.
4. Other Benefits of Laser Surgery
One of the most noticeable benefits of laser eye surgery is how fast it works. In almost all cases, vision becomes completely corrected by the time you leave the hospital.
he trick.
For those who wear spectacles before the operation, the benefits of laser eye surgery are immediate and extremely rewarding.
Being able to drive, read and see in the distance again is supremely convenient. Never having to search for where you left your glasses again is pure joy. The good news is that your vision keeps getting better for up to 3 years after the procedure.
5. Laser Eye Surgery Broadens Your Horizons
Once you have regained 20/20 vision you can consider doing things that you never have before.
That pilot’s license you’ve always wanted is within reach. You could even consider a career in the military or any other profession that demands perfect eyesight.
Just think of all the extreme adventure holidays you can start planning…
The options are limitless. Just watch and see (get it?!)
This post originally appeared on USA Today.